Participating universities will structure listing data to help solve a real-world ecommerce challenge.
Participating universities will structure listing data to help solve a real-world ecommerce challenge.
At eBay, we containerized Jenkins to provide a continuous build infrastructure on Kubernetes Clusters to power the ecommerce marketplace experience. Our goal was to leverage the capability of Kubernetes secrets, for managing the Jenkins credentials.
eBay researchers recently published a paper about a method for KG relation embedding using dihedral group. Experimental results on benchmark KGs show that the model outperforms existing bilinear form models and even deep learning methods.
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Learn how eBay's architecture knowledge graph was developed; the benefits eBay has received from it; and the use cases we see now and in the future for this approach.
In this article, we propose a set of better practices, designed by and for eBay ML scientists, for facilitating weaving ML modeling into the cyclical Agile process flow.
Trade has played a critical role in the history of humanity and yet, data from ecommerce, the modern form of trading, has received limited attention from academia. We at eBay want to change that.
How do you normalize Edit Distance? Some simple ideas to get useful numbers about the changes in your text.
If you change a sentence, should you see the characters or words that changed? Edit Distance is back to help you figure this out.
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